Thursday, May 8, 2014

Easter 4 A - 1 Peter 2:19-25

1 Peter 2:19-25
We should give this text wide berth when it comes to applying it to the meaning of suffering especially the suffering one might endure for doing what is right. That is because God’s approval has nothing to do with how or why we suffer and everything to do with the suffering God endured for the world. “He Himself bore our sins…” That is not to say that endurance holds no reward, so to speak. There is something gained by patient perseverance but the thing that is gained is in the enduring not in the suffering. More to the point the suffering we are called to endure for the sake of Christ is the same suffering he bore. He suffered for us therefore we suffer for others. “Bear one other’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) And so we suffer the injustices in our world and weep for those who are subjected to literal beatings while making every effort to do whatever we are able to alleviate their suffering. In that way our hearts are broken for the girls abducted in Nigeria and our desperate prayers for their return join the voices of their parents and relatives who cry out for the world to pay attention.

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