Friday, July 6, 2012

Pentecost 6b - conclusion

I preached in my hometown pulpit in 1995 during the 100th anniversary year of Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Illinois. I left Grace in 1979 to begin my career as a Lutheran grade school teacher and youth director but there were plenty of people in the pews who knew a few things about me, some of which I’d rather not remember. I didn’t do any deeds of power and if I spoke with wisdom it was the Gospel that did all the talking. The prophet Ezekiel is sent to preach the truth whether the people like it or not because only the truth can set prophet and people free. The psalmist looks to the Lord for the word of mercy that speaks more loudly than the contempt of the proud. The all sufficient grace that made Paul perfect in weakness allows him to be content in hardship and encourage the Corinthians to do the same. And Jesus, the hometown boy who is prevented from doing mighty deeds of power by the unbelief of neighbors and family, still sends out disciples two by two to proclaim the kingdom come and turn the world upside down.

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